Sunday, December 22, 2019

my first ever dance program on stage

Christmas Dance

My dance program in school

I'm going with sister Vivardhini everyday to her school only. I attend pre-nursery class.  For Christmas celebrations, I too participated in the school's dance program.  Here is the small clip of my dance.  Everyone says I was just standing on stage but it was my new experience and I was amazed to see the great decorations Hence my attention got diverted.


chavala function of vidushmath

My Chavala, a religious function
Daddy and mom decided to conduct 'my chavala' function (first hair-cut) today in a simple way.  Hence, grandpa did all the ground work for fixing the venue at Nanjangud, kula-devaru's (home-deity) place of daddy.

Everyone says, now I am looking like a boy.
